Monday, June 20, 2011

Sophie's Baptism

Sophie was baptized on June 19, 2011, Father's Day. It was a really special day for all of us. Our friends and family came to the church, St. Louis Bertrand (where Danny and I were married), to take part in the baptism ceremony. In the church I grew up in, babies weren't baptized. They were "dedicated" to the church. Later in life, when that person was ready to accept Jesus and choose to become a Christian, they would be baptized. Danny and I attended a baptism class prior to Sophie being baptized and I really learned a lot. I've learned a lot about the Catholic church since Danny and I started dating (9 years ago!), but somehow missed out on the beliefs about baptism. This is not a theological blog, but I love learning about religion and different faiths. I loved learning more about the beliefs of the Church in this class and look forward to learning more as we, as a family, try to find a church home of our own.

All that to say, I did not take lightly the decision we made to have Sophie baptized in the Catholic church. We have committed to raising our daughter in the faith and will do our best with that! Thankfully, we have chosen godparents for Sophie that will help guide her as well. We asked Danny's sister and brother in law to be her godparents and they were of course thrilled to take on the challenge!

Sophie did great during the baptism. Just before the service started, she started to get fussy and I was praying that she would not have a major meltdown. Thank God for pacifiers! We gave her the paci and she fell asleep. She slept until the actual baptism. The priest pours water on the babies' heads three times. The first time, she stirred a little and the second a little more. By the third pour, I thought the paci was destined for a dip in the holy water, but thankfully I caught it before it went that far. Following the service, our family came back to our house and enjoyed some good BBQ from the Frankfort Avenue Beer Depot. Danny's parents brought a delicious cake and cookie cake. All in all, a truly great day!

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